22nd Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition Shapping the Future of Dermatology and Aesthetics
Imboni yethu isungule uhlelo olusebenzayo lokulandela umkhiqizo kanye nezinto ezibonakalayo ngokuhambisana ngokuqinile nezidingo zohlelo lwemishini yezokwelapha ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuphepha nokusebenza ngempumelelo kwemikhiqizo yethu.Ifektri yethu inikeze izinkulungwane zemishini yekhwalithi ephezulu emakethe yomhlaba wonke, futhi iye yanconywa kabanzi ngamakhasimende ethu.I-UNT izokwenza konke okusemandleni ayo ukusekela ibhizinisi lakho njalo!Singathembisa ukusekelwa kwezobuchwepheshe kwamahora angu-24 kanye nempendulo yesevisi yangemva kokuthengisa.
22nd Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition, isibuyile!
Inkampani Beijing UNT Technology Co., Ltd.
Umkhiqizi ochwepheshe wemishini yezokwelapha nobuhle onolwazi lweminyaka engu-12 uzohlangana nawe ngomhla ka-1-3 Mashi, 2023 e-Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC), e-UAE.
Inkampani yethu izobamba iqhaza ku-Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition ngomhlaka-1-3 Mashi, 2023. Siyakwamukela ukusivakashela endaweni yethu ene-Stand No.: 422-423!
Sizoletha imishini yethu yobuhle Ethuthukisiwe enobuchwepheshe bamuva futhi sibheke ngabomvu ukuhlangana nawe Engqungqutheleni Nombukiso we-Dubai World Dermatology and Laser and Exhibition wama-22.
Lonke uchungechunge lwethu lwemishini yobuhle emisha eklanywe ngobuchwepheshe bokusika luzokhonjiswa embukisweni:
Ukubhuka Manje!Qoqa esizeni!
I-Exclusive Android V1.0 /Android V2.0 diode laser system-----4 amasethi kuphela!
I-Portable Diode Laser ----EYODWA KUPHELA!
Imodeli ye-FDA Diode Laser ---- EYODWA KUPHELA!
Ukubhuka umshini wakho!Ngaphandle kokuthumela ngaphandle kwe-TAX!
Ngokuzithoba sithanda ukukumema ukuthi uzwe imishini yethu emisha futhi uzizwele insizakalo yethu endaweni yethu ene-Stand No.: 422-423.
Sicela usithinte uma uvumelana nawe.Ngethemba ukuba nokubambisana nawe.
Wonke umbukiso uqhubeka ngokugcwele, asikwazi ukulinda ukuhlangana nawe ku-22nd Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition ubuso nobuso.
Usuku:1-3 Mashi, 2023
Indawo:Inombolo yokuma: 422-423,Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC), UAE, Beijing UNT Technology Co., Ltd.
Isikhathi sokuthumela: Dec-28-2022